Chers parents,
L’entrée du campus et la montée dans le bus sont conditionnées par le respect de cette mesure exigée par les autorités Educatives de Chaoyang. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension et collaboration pour garantir le bon fonctionnement du LFIP.
La direction du LFIP20220314 致家长的一封信 lettre aux parents ** Dear Parents, Please find attached the letter sent by the Chaoyang Education authorities to all parents of students attending school in this district. Please read this document, print it and return the signed receipt tomorrow morning, Tuesday, March 15, 2022, when boarding the school bus or at the entrance of the campus at the first hour of your child’s class.
The entrance to the campus is conditioned by the respect of this measure required by the Chaoyang Educational authorities.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation to ensure the smooth running of LFIP.
Management team ** 各位家长: 随信附上朝阳区教育要求学校下发的《致家长信》,请仔细阅读、打印,并在回执上签字。明天3月15日学生早上入园,或乘坐校车前,必须提交纸质版回执。