
Qualité de l’Air

Depuis plusieurs années, l’école a mis en place un protocole  pollution afin de protéger au mieux les élèves.

Les bâtiments sont équipés d’un système centralisé de purification et de renouvellement de l’air intérieur.


­AQI extérieur du jour – Niveau de protocole

Le LFIP dispose d’un capteur d’AQI extérieur qui sert de référence pour gérer les activités extérieures en temps réel.



­Protocole Pollution de l’établissement

Un relevé en temps réel est affiché sur les écrans installés sur le campus et sur le site Internet de l’établissement (concentration des particules fines PM 2,5). Il indique aux personnels le niveau de pollution et les comportements à adopter, en lien avec le protocole en vigueur. Le protocole du LFIP, basé sur un relevé en temps réel, est respectueux du protocole de la municipalité de Pékin.
Consulter le protocole pollution de l’établissement


­Qualité de l’air A l’intérieur des bâtiments (PM2,5 – Co2)

La qualité de l’air intérieur est mesurée au regard de deux paramètres que sont la concentration de particules fines PM2.5 (en µg/m3) et le taux de CO2 (en ppm).

A cette fin, le LFIP a réparti dans l’établissement 14 capteurs d’Air Visual permettant les mesures des PM2.5 et du CO2. Les mesures sont publiées ci-dessus.

Nomination et localisation des capteurs
Les localisations ont été choisies pour couvrir l’ensemble des espaces scolaires et en fonction des centrales de traitement d’air. Les capteurs ne sont pas nominatifs et sont déplacés à chaque trimestre dans la zone qui leur a été attribuée. Par exemple : « [1.05] PS MS » correspond aux classes de petites et moyennes section dépendant de la centrale 1.05. Tous les mois, un entretien du système de purification de l’air du bâtiment est réalisé, ainsi que des changements réguliers des filtres.

Plages horaires
Les centrales de traitement d’air du bâtiment scolaire sont en marche les jours travaillés à partir de 6h du matin et jusqu’à 19h le soir. Hors temps scolaires l’affichage sera automatiquement «grisé». Les heures de fonctionnement des centrales du gymnase, de la cantine et de l’auditorium sont adaptées en fonction des activités.

Affichage en temps réel
Les mesures sont publiées toutes les heures sous forme de moyenne de l’heure écoulée.

Amélioration de la qualité de l’air par rapport à l’extérieur
Un pourcentage de filtration est donné à titre indicatif. Celui-ci ne dépend pas uniquement de l’efficacité du système de filtration centralisé mais également des comportements humains à l’intérieur de l’établissement. L’ouverture d’une porte ou d’une fenêtre en temps de forte pollution a des conséquences immédiates sur la qualité de l’air intérieur.


Concevoir sur son projet d’orientation, c’est travailler, tout au long de sa scolarité du secondaire, avec ses enseignants et avec la psychologue conseillère d’orientation sur les trois axes suivants : Connaissance de soi, Découverte du monde du travail et Connaissance des formations. Le lycée français de Pékin s’efforce de rendre l’élève acteur de son projet, à travers les enseignements disciplinaires, bien sûr, au cœur de la classe, mais aussi, mais aussi lors de temps forts, spécifiquement dévolus à l’orientation:

Les deux principes suivant guident notre action : l’égalité des chances et l’égalité fille-garçons


Connaissance de soi
Les élèves bénéficient en classes de troisième, de première et de terminales, d’entretiens d’orientation individuels obligatoires.
Cependant, des entretiens peuvent être sollicités à tout moment avec la psychologue conseillère d’orientation. Le lycée dispose par ailleurs d’outils comme GPO3 qui proposent aux élèves des tests d’intérêts.

Découverte du monde du travail
Forum des métiers : Forum organisé tous les deux ans par le LFIP, qui réunit une soixantaine de professionnels.

Un stage en entreprise est organisé en classe de seconde, mais possibilité de signer des conventions pour faire des stages pendant les petites vacances scolaires dès la troisième.

Connaissance des formations
Les Midis de l’orientation constituent une occasion unique pour les élèves de la troisième à la terminale de rencontrer des représentants d’écoles d’anciens élèves du LFIP, des professionnels venant témoigner de leur parcours d’études.

Procédures d’admission à l’étranger


Liens Utiles


Vacances d’été 2023

Nous souhaitons vous informer que le LFIPékin sera fermé au public du samedi 8 juillet au mardi 22 août 2023.

Veuillez noter que toute correspondance envoyée pendant cette période ne sera traitée qu’à partir du 23 août.

Nous vous remercions sincèrement de votre compréhension et vous souhaitons à tous de merveilleuses vacances d’été.






We wish to inform you that the LFIPékin will be closed to the public from Saturday, July 8th, to Tuesday, August 22rd, 2023.

Please note that any correspondence sent during this period will only be processed starting from August 23rd.

We sincerely thank you for your understanding and wish you all a wonderful summer vacation.

Politique de confidentialité au LFIPékin

Pour notre politique de confidentialité,
veuillez consulter : politique-de-confidentialite-lfipekin.pdf

Oeuvres étudiées College-Lycée 2023-2024

Orientation Vidéos

Vidéos sur Agora Monde


Mes études


S’engager dans la diplomatie pour allier engagement et voyage avec l’ISIT

En deuxième année de master Stratégies internationales et Diplomatie à l’ISIT, Grande école de management & communication interculturels, et après avoir fréquenté le lycée français Vauban du Luxembourg, Ellena souhaite s’engager dans la diplomatie et la coopération internationale à l’étranger.

Pour elle, le profil type d’un étudiant ou d’une étudiante de l’ISIT est celui d’une personne intéressée par l’international et les langues étrangères, car l’appétence pour l’autre est véritablement au cœur de la formation !

Son cours préféré est celui d’analyse et débat de l’actualité en langue étrangère : une occasion de s’exprimer en langue étrangère mais surtout, d’échanger avec d’autres étudiants sur des sujets politiques, économiques, culturels…

Les étudiants de l’ISIT sont sur AGORA, pose-leur tes questions ! Cliquez pour lire la vidéo

Accompagner les plus jeunes grâce à des études de psychomotricité

Fahdi est étudiant de 1ère année en licence de psychomotricité à l’École Dentaire Internationale à Dakar, une école qui propose des formations paramédicales. Il est ancien élève du lycée français Jean-Mermoz de Dakar. Il étudie essentiellement des cours relatif à la médecine et aux matières scientifiques : anatomie, neurosciences, physique, etc; mais aussi les langues , car on doit être prêt(e) à rencontrer « tous types de patients dans le domaine du médical. » Fahdi insiste sur le fait qu’il s’agit d’un métier relationnel, dans lequel faut être à l’écoute de soi et surtout des autres. « Guérir un patient […] ça donne vraiment une sensation de plaisir c’est inexplicable ». Cliquez pour lire la vidéo

Double diplôme de droit français et italien entre Paris et Florence

Beatrice est une ancienne élève du lycée français international Jean Giono de Turin. Elle étudie actuellement un double diplôme en droit italien et droit français, entre l’université de Florence (Università degli Studi di Firenze – UniFI) et l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Il s’agit d’un diplôme en 5 ans, entre Florence et Paris, avec la possibilité la 5ème année d’aller étudier dans une autre université à l’étranger : une vraie opportunité de s’enrichir culturellement. Grâce à la spécificité de sa formation, Beatrice pourra ensuite accéder aux concours de droit de ces différents pays. Cliquez pour lire la vidéo
­ Voir plus de vidéos ‘Mes études’

Passe la seconde


Le choix des spécialités scientifiques pour étudier l’architecture

Cliquez pour lire la vidéo

Viser des études de théâtre grâce aux SES et l’HLP

María Jimena est une ancienne élève du lycée franco-costaricien. Elle y suivait les enseignements de spécialité : Sciences économiques et sociales (SES) et Humanités, littérature et philosophie (HLP). Son projet post-bac était de poursuivre ses études dans le domaine du théâtre lié arts plastiques ! Ses spécialités l’ont aidé à acquérir des compétences relatives à son objectif, notamment l’HLP. À travers l’analyse des différentes formes d’art et de littérature, elle a pu améliorer sa préparation de rôles pour le 6ème art. Cliquez pour lire la vidéo
­ Voir plus de vidéos ‘Mes études’

D’ici à là-bas


D’ici à là-bas – de Beyrouth à Bordeaux

“J’ai choisi la France pour apprendre l’art du service à la française”

Après avoir vécu toute sa vie au Liban où il a étudié au Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour, Antoine a décidé de partir étudier à l’étranger pour acquérir une certaine indépendance. Aujourd’hui, il est en deuxième année du bachelor en management hôtelier de Vatel Bordeaux !

Président du Bureau des Étudiants et membre de l’équipe d’étudiants ambassadeurs de l’école, Antoine partage son expérience et sa connaissance de la ville de Bordeaux, et il raconte comment les équipes de Vatel l’ont accompagné dans toutes les démarches liées à l’installation en France en tant qu’étudiant international. Cliquez pour lire la vidéo

D’ici à là-bas – de Bogota à Paris

Après avoir vécu 4 ans à Bogotá où elle étudiait au lycée français Louis Pasteur, Ysabel s’est envolée pour la France afin de poursuivre ses études à l’ISIT Paris en management interculturel. Dans la capitale française, elle a la chance de vivre dans dans le 8e arrondissement, soit en plein milieu de la ville, même si son quartier coup de cœur reste Montmartre. Cliquez pour lire la vidéo
Voir plus de vidéos ‘Mes études’

Vidéos d’Orientation Passées au LFIP



Webinaire organisé le 16 mars par le lycée français de Hong Kong : Les études d’arts attirent de plus en plus de jeunes mais la sélection dans les écoles d’excellence en France comme à l’international reste ardue. 45 mn pour “Comprendre les études d’art publiques ou privées en France et à l’international et découvrir les attentes des jurys pour gagner du temps sur vos candidatures”.
Vidéo : Cliquez pour lire la vidéo
PowerPoint : Cliquez pour lire la présentation Powerpoint


Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les actes administratifs relatifs à  l’établissement :


Sciences au LFIP

Le dynamisme des enseignants, la modernité du campus et l’engagement des élèves ont permis d’initier et de construire des projets sur le long-terme dans chacun des domaines scientifiques.

General Information

Particular Educational Needs

Virtual Visit







Concevoir sur son projet d’orientation, c’est travailler, tout au long de sa scolarité du secondaire, avec ses enseignants et avec la psychologue conseillère d’orientation sur les trois axes suivants : Connaissance de soi, Découverte du monde du travail et Connaissance des formations. Le lycée français de Pékin s’efforce de rendre l’élève acteur de son projet, à travers les enseignements disciplinaires, bien sûr, au cœur de la classe, mais aussi, mais aussi lors de temps forts, spécifiquement dévolus à l’orientation:

Les deux principes suivant guident notre action : l’égalité des chances et l’égalité fille-garçons


Connaissance de soi
Les élèves bénéficient en classes de troisième, de première et de terminales, d’entretiens d’orientation individuels obligatoires.
Cependant, des entretiens peuvent être sollicités à tout moment avec la psychologue conseillère d’orientation. Le lycée dispose par ailleurs d’outils comme GPO3 qui proposent aux élèves des tests d’intérêts.

Découverte du monde du travail
Forum des métiers : Forum organisé tous les deux ans par le LFIP, qui réunit une soixantaine de professionnels.

Un stage en entreprise est organisé en classe de seconde, mais possibilité de signer des conventions pour faire des stages pendant les petites vacances scolaires dès la troisième.

Connaissance des formations
Les Midis de l’orientation constituent une occasion unique pour les élèves de la troisième à la terminale de rencontrer des représentants d’écoles d’anciens élèves du LFIP, des professionnels venant témoigner de leur parcours d’études.


Media Center

Nos espaces documentaires BCD (Bibliothèque Centre de Documentation) pour les Primaires et CDI (Centre de documentation et d’Information) pour le Secondaire sont des espaces de partage et de culture.

Notre établissement dispose de 3 lieux uniques pour accueillir les élèves et leur offrir un environnement propice à la découverte.


Arts, Sports, Sciences

Broadcast Live

Login required: Please login first or register an account if you do not have one!
Login Register

This pages allows creating and managing broadcasting channels for registered members that have this feature enabled.


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Quality Services



More than 500 students from kindergarten to high school are transported each day in more than 50 residences !
The service is committed to transporting students in a comfortable and safe environment. The buses are equipped with a video surveillance system and a fine particle filtration system to ensure good air quality on the home-school journey. The buses are also equipped with a geolocation system, allowing families to follow the bus route in real time via a mobile application.
Accompanying persons are present in each of the buses and ensure the smooth running of the trips and the safety of the children. The school transport department is in permanent contact with the service provider in order to verify that the safety rules are properly applied.
Arriving at the LFIP in the morning, the bus escorts accompany the children within the school grounds to the primary schoolyard where the elementary school children remain under the supervision of an adult until they are taken care of by the teachers, and the kindergarten children are accompanied to their classes.
A commission is set up each year to evaluate and improve the service provided.

=>Consult Transport Fees

Our Team


I want to thank you for the trust you place in us by entrusting your children to the French International High School in Beijing Charles De Gaulle. In return, all the educational teams of the school are mobilized to listen to you every day, showing responsibility, availability, reactivity and transparency in each of our decisions.

Indeed, we want to promote every day a welcome and learning the values ​​of our French school, inherited from the “Enlightenment”: tolerance, freedom, equality, solidarity, respect for human dignity, the critical sense. Our ambition is to strive for excellence for all students, a plurilingual and intercultural education that values ​​all forms of intelligence while respecting the learning pace of each: these are the fundamental objectives of the teaching agency. French abroad (AEFE).

Our greatest reward is to make you proud of your child because we will have succeeded in accompanying him or her with you to become a free, enlightened, well-educated young person who can decide his or her own choice of direction. ambitious higher education pursuits open to the world.



Three-quarters of our teachers are holders of the French Ministry of National Education or have more than 10 years of experience.
To always innovate, they benefit from a continuous training of quality. We encourage them to value talent and to take into account the
differences of each to promote elementary learning, the discovery of the world and language while developing the imagination and critical thinking of students.

Lost & Found

Whose hat is this ? Whose scarf is this ? Whose sweater is this? Whose T-shirt is this ? Whose coat is this ? Whose shoe is this ?

Very often we do not answer because children do not always recognize what belongs to them, they do not always know where they left their clothes and parents are unhappy not to find what they have entrusted to their children.


– Write the name of your child: in case of loss, the garment can then be returned more easily to its owner.

– When they are older (from the large section at least) ask your child to pay attention to his belongings and not to leave them on the benches, window sills, or in the yard. It’s a perfectly legitimate request that goes in the direction of accountability.

– Check what the kids are reporting from school. Sometimes we do not find what has been lost because the children can be mistaken and unwittingly take another student’s business that resembles his own.

– Ask your child to go around the storage points, possibly you can accompany him in this process.


Lost clothes are hung on racks or in crates in the primary hall and the school life service.

The objects found in the buses are sent to the management department in order to be returned to their owner as long as it has been identified. If necessary, they are deposited at the reception.


At each school holiday period, all the clothes left on the racks and in the crates are donated to a charity. Think about picking them up before they leave.


The LFIP subscribes for all students an individual insurance which allows medical care for an accident within the limits of the ceilings presented hereafter.


Books & Supplies


For all levels, textbooks are loaned at the beginning of the school year and returned at the end of the year or at the time of departure if it takes place during the year.
Distribution of textbooks by the CDI and school life from 04/09/2023.


For elementary students, the supplies are included in the tuition fees, and are distributed by the teacher at the beginning of the school year. Families simply need a briefcase, a kit (tote type, from the CP) and a pair of indoor sports shoes (from CP).


For high school students, the supplies are included in tuition fees and provided by the school in sufficient quantity to cover the needs of a school year (notebooks, sheets, binders, …).

The only supplies to be provided, not delivered by the establishment are:
– a complete kit (pencil, eraser, scissors, pens, fountain pen, eraser, ink cartridges, ruler, raporteur, compass, square, …)

  • Middle school: Supplies not available in China are provided by the school. Each teacher will communicate at the beginning of the school year the supplementary supplies to be provided by the parents.
    The common supplies to prepare by parents are:
    1/ transparent plastic rolls to cover books 2/ key lock for the locker (no code lock) 3/ student agenda 4/ a calculator: model “Casio collège” or “TI collège” recommended.
  • High school: Supplies not available in China are provided by the school. Each teacher will communicate at the beginning of the school year the supplementary supplies to be provided by the parents.
    The common supplies to prepare by parents are:
    1/ transparent plastic rolls to cover books 2/ key lock for the locker (no code lock) 3/ student agenda 4 / Texas Instrument calculator: TI-82 advanced with built-in exam mode OR TI-83 premium CE python edition OR Numwork graphing calculator


Consult the list >>> Works studied College-Lycée 2023-2024 (French)


The LFIP subscribes for all students an individual insurance which allows the management of medical care resulting from an accident within the limits of the maximums presented below.



LFIPékin, c’est l’endroit
où se développent les acteurs de demain,
où vous pouvez participer à diffuser l’influence de la langue française,
où vous pouvez collaborer avec des personnes de divers horizons culturels,
et d’autres qui partageront votre passion.

School Canteen

The school catering at the LFIP is more than 850 meals distributed every day! More than 95% of the children attending our school eat in the canteen.


The school catering service of LFIP is obliged to feed the students in good conditions of dietetics and hygiene. The menus, Western style, are balanced and varied. The meals offered daily by the French chef of Chartwells and his team are prepared and cooked on site, using primarily fresh produce.


Meals, convivial moment of life in community, are taken at the table at the school restaurant.

The nursery school has a dedicated dining room, with furniture adapted to the youngest. Meals are served at the table under the supervision of adults. Children are served and eat in their classrooms.

From CP, students use self-service and have free access to the salad bar. From the 4th, students can eat at the self-service or at the snack bar (offer salads, sandwiches, drinks, fruits and desserts).


For allergic children requiring emergency medical treatment in case of accidental ingestion, an Individualized Reception Project (PAI) must be set up, at the request of the family and in collaboration with the health service.


A commission is set up each year to evaluate and improve the service provided.

Registration is done automatically at the time of school registration or re-registration.


  • Kindergarteners * if they do not take the school bus are enrolled on 4 days (DP4) OR half boarders on 5 days (DP5) if they take the school bus.
  • Elementary students are, by default, registered as half-boarders on 4 days (DP4).
  • Middle and high school students are, by default, registered as half-boarders over 5 days (DP5).

* Pupils in the very youngest section will only be welcomed in the morning during the 2-week probationary period. Parents should make arrangements to pick up their child at 11:45 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays or 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. They do not have access to school transportation or to the canteen during these 2 weeks.


=>Catering Fees

Contact :


Cultural and Athletic Activities

Les Activités culturelles et sportives (ACS) au LFIP, c’est une trentaine d’activités et plus de 400 élèves de la Moyenne Section de maternelle à la Terminale qui pratiquent au moins une activité en dehors du temps scolaire !


Le LFIP est soucieux de l’épanouissement de ses élèves, c’est pourquoi une large palette d’activité est proposée : sports collectifs, arts martiaux, musique, théâtre, danse et arts plastiques, cuisine, sciences,  etc… Les contenus de ces activités font l’objet d’un suivi tout au long de l’année et sont revus et validés annuellement avec l’objectif d’offrir des ateliers de qualité.


Les ACS permettent aux enfants d’acquérir de façon ludique des connaissances dans des disciplines sportives ou artistiques, d’échanger en français, en anglais ou en chinois en dehors des périodes strictement scolaires et de développer l’engagement de l’enfant sur une période donnée.


Saison 2023-2024 :


Les inscriptions sur la plateforme EDUKA débuteront le samedi 9 septembre à partir de 18h, et prendront fin le mercredi 13 septembre à 10h.


– Samedi 9 septembre à 18h00 : inscription à la 1ère activité.
– Lundi 11 septembre à 19h00 : inscription à la 2ème activité et aux suivantes.


Les activités démarreront le lundi 18 septembre 2023 pour l’élémentaire, et le vendredi 22 septembre pour les maternelles.


Vous trouverez toutes les informations sur les ACS dans les liens suivants, ainsi que dans l’onglet présentation de l’activité sur EDUKA :


Pour contacter le service ACS :
Email :

Air Quality

The school has had a pollution protocol in place in order to protect the students as much as possible.
Buildings are equipped with a centralized system of purification and renewal of the interior air.

School Hours

students services

The Student Service Center (Vie Scolaire) is a unique feature to the French Education system. It’s a service open from 8:15 am to 5:30 pm without interruption to welcome students, parents and teachers. If you wish to inform us of any questions, suggestions or justifications for absences and delays or specific authorization to leave, please contact the Student Service Center. This office is responsible for the following topics:


The functioning of the school

  • the control of the number of students;
  • the diligence of the students;
  • organization of the staff and student movement;
  • implementation of measures to ensure safety of students, among others.


Collaboration with teaching staff

  • exchange of information with teachers about the behavior of the students and their results
  • a common search for the origin of his difficulties and the necessary interventions to enable him to overcome them;
  • monitoring the life of the class, collaboration in the implementation of orientation projects


Educational animation

  • relationships and direct contacts with students on a collective and individual level (behavior, work, personal problems …); organization of cultural activities, clubs, activities…

Language Learning

Differentiated and adapted linguistic options

Our students have the opportunity to individualize their language learning through the wealth of courses offered by our institution.

At LFIP, language learning is at the heart of our educational project. That’s why the LFIP offers a British International Section and a Chinese International Section, from Year 1. These sections lead to obtaining the BFI, The French International  Baccalaureate, prestigious examination recognized throughout the world and sesame for the pursuit of higher studies in France and abroad.

We are currently working on new admission requirements, available soon on the LFIP website. In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact our admissions office,

Bourses scolaires


Open House



Secondary School

Middle School (6 to 9th grade)

The LFIP offers a rigorous education that follows the curriculum established by the Ministry of National Education. The College marks entry into secondary education. It is organized in four levels from the sixth to the third and structured in pedagogical cycles.
The college focuses on languages, deepening and expanding basic knowledge and the individual development of the student.

Attached to Cycle 3, the sixth aims to consolidate the fundamental achievements of elementary school and to introduce students to the disciplines and methods of secondary education. During the 5th, 4th and 3rd grades (cycle 4, cycle of deepening), the students deepen and broaden their knowledge and know-how. They gradually enrich their course with optional options. In the 3rd year, the student develops his professional project, prepares for the tests of the National Diploma of the Brevet (DNB) and the entry in Second.

Middle School Teaching Methods

The College validates the acquisition of the common foundation of skills, knowledge and culture. The “common foundation of knowledge and skills” presents what every pupil must know and master at the end of compulsory schooling. He brings together skills. The eight skills to be acquired form the common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture that students must have:

  • French language spoken and written
  • Mathematical, scientific and computer languages
  • Representations of the world and human activity
  • Foreign and regional languages
  • Natural systems and technical systems
  • Language arts and body
  • Training of the person and the citizen
  • Methods and tools for learning

All students in the college have 26 weekly hours of compulsory education, to which can be added optional courses.

Disciplines taught and hourly volumes: Eduscol

A first step in the professional world

In the third class, all students perform a one-week professional observation sequence. It takes place in companies, associations or administrations of their choice. Since 2016, it has been integrated into the student’s Future Path.


Lycée / High School (10th to graduation)

From the 10th grade to graduation, the LFIP offers a rigorous education that follows the curriculum established by the Ministry of National Education. The mission of the high school is to ensure the success of each high school student and prepare him for further studies in higher education. The second class aims to give students the most open choices possible. It gives them a common general culture, while allowing them to discover new literary, economic, scientific or technological fields. It combines:

• Common lessons, which are very important (80% of the student schedule);
• Exploration lessons to choose from. Among them a teaching is to be chosen obligatorily in the field of the economy.

Common core studies for all

Timetables and syllabuses of the common core courses are identical for all. They total 23h30, in the following disciplines:

  • french;
  • living languages 1 and 2;
  • history geography ;
  • mathematics;
  • chemistry/physics ;
  • Life and earth sciences ;
  • physical education and sport ;
  • moral and civic education;
  • personalized support.

Exploration lessons

In addition to the common lessons, students choose two lessons of exploration of 1h30 per week or 54 hours a year. These lessons have various objectives:

  • introduce students to new disciplinary fields (knowledge and methods);
  • to teach them to identify the professional activities to which these courses can lead;
  • prepare them to choose a first series and provide them with information on the higher education sectors.

ADN-AEFE: the school exchange program of the French lycées of the world

Since 2017, second-level students in an AEFE school have the opportunity to change schools in the second term. This is an opportunity for students to explore a new environment and experience something unique at this age.

The terminal cycle (1st and final) of the general way is divided into three series: Economic and Social Series (ES), Literary Series (L) and Scientific Series (S).


School Fees


Kindergarden (2-5 years old)

Kindergarten teaching promotes the awakening of personality, stimulates sensory, motor, cognitive and social development. It develops students ‘self-esteem and others’ self-esteem and helps them thrive emotionally. At Kindergarten, we strive to grow in each of our children the desire and the pleasure of learning to enable them, gradually, to become a student. The Kindergarten prepares children for basic learning in elementary school and teaches them the principles of life in society. The LFIP offers students a caring, safe, plural, fun and open to the world, which promotes self-confidence, in others and in the future. To carry out our mission, we serve students:

  • A team of graduated and continuously trained teachers with significant teaching experience
  • Specific educational staff: one full-time assistant in each class
  • Quality infrastructure: adapted classrooms, rest rooms for the youngest, sports and recreational facilities (motricity room, outdoor playground), dedicated dining room and library


Teaching Methods in Kindergarden

The proposed teaching allows adaptation to the development and progress of each child while giving ambitious objectives to his learning. Its general characteristics for Kindergarten are:

  • learn by play, adapted to the age and abilities of the child
  • solve problems and develop critical thinking
  • mobilize and develop memory capabilities
  • to work on the affirmation and development of the child’s personality in his relationship with others
  • to open up to Chinese cultural wealth through activities, shows and specific projects
  • discover, by school trips in connection with class projects (farm, temple and parks, etc.)
  • use digital technologies to support children’s learning (interactive whiteboards, digital tablets, computers, etc.)
  • The practice of a positive assessment in which the child is directly involved to identify his or her success


The teaching program is organized into five areas of learning:

  • Mobilize language in all its dimensions
  • Act, express yourself, understand through physical activity
  • Act, express yourself, understand through artistic activities
  • Build the first tools to structure your thinking
  • Explore the world


Follow-up from the first year of kindergarten

The assessment of kindergarten is specific with synthetic and readable skills for parents. A track record of learning and a summary of achievements at the end of the Grand Section Kindergarten are the methods of assessment and communication of student learning.


Our curriculum offers differentiated and adapted language learning methods

Our students have the opportunity to individualize their language learning through the wealth of courses offered by our school:

  • Students benefit from a Chinese language reception from the Small Section and the Middle Section.
  • Starting from the Middle Section, families have the choice between three courses for their child:
    • French section with 2 Modern languages: French is the main language of instruction and your child learns two living languages, Chinese and English (1h30 weekly per language)
    • Chinese section: French is the main language of instruction and Chinese is taught as a second language (minimum 5 hours per week). Your child is also learning English as a living language (1h30 weekly)
    • British Section: French is the main language of instruction and English is taught as a second language (minimum 5 hours per week). Your child is also learning Chinese as a living language (1h30 weekly)

Learn more about language learning opportunities

Elementary School (6-11 years old)

The training provided at the elementary school ensures the acquisition of the fundamental instruments of knowledge: fluency in the French language (oral and written expression, reading), and the first elements of mathematics (calculation and problem solving). The LFIP offers students a caring, safe, plural, fun and open to the world, which promotes self-confidence, in others and in the future. To carry out our mission, we serve students:

  • A team of graduated and continuously trained teachers with significant teaching experience
  • A team of graduate and dedicated language teachers
  • Quality infrastructure: adapted classrooms, sports and recreational facilities (gymnasium, outdoor sports areas, playground), dining room and library.


The elementary school is organized into 5 levels of classes spread over two cycles:

  • Cycle 2 (basic learning cycle): CP (preparatory course), CE1 (elementary course 1st year), CE2 (elementary course 2nd year)
  • Cycle 3 (consolidation cycle): CM1 (middle year 1st year), CM2 (middle year 2nd year), which also includes the 1st year of secondary school (6th)


Teaching methods in Elementary School

The general characteristics of elementary school education are:

  • to foster the development of intelligence, artistic sensitivity, manual, physical and sports skills;
  • to provide elements of a historical, geographical, scientific and technical culture;
  • offer an education in visual arts and musical arts;
  • ensure the teaching of several foreign languages and include an introduction to cultural diversity;
  • also contribute to the understanding and autonomous and responsible use of the media, particularly digital media;
  • ensure the acquisition and understanding of the requirement of respect for the person, its origins and differences;
  • also convey the need for respect for children’s rights and equality between women and men.

It ensures together with the family moral and civic education that includes, to allow the exercise of citizenship, learning values and symbols of the Republic and the European Union.

The school takes into account, with a positive glance, the plurality and diversity of skills of each student. In addition to reasoning and intellectual reflection, the meaning of observation, the taste for experimentation, sensitivity, motor skills and creative imagination are developed.

Respecting the program of the French Ministry of National Education, our teaching is articulated around the 5 domains of learning:

  • Languages to think and communicate
  • Methods and tools for learning
  • The formation of the person and the citizen
  • Natural systems and technical systems
  • Representations of the world and human activity

This teaching is implemented at the LFIP by highly qualified teachers in modern infrastructures. They exercise with a positive outlook on the child and a kindness, taking into account the diversity of students.

Tracking your child’s schooling in elementary school

You are regularly informed of the progress of your child or his difficulties thanks to his daily work and evaluations that he brings back the weekend and thanks to a school booklet that you receive 3 times a year.


Our specific educational offer: differentiated and adapted linguistic paths

Our students have the opportunity to individualize their language learning through the wealth of courses offered by our school:

  • French section with 2 Modern languages: French is the main language of instruction and your child learns two living languages, Chinese and English (2h20 weekly per language)
  • Chinese section: French is the main language of instruction and Chinese is taught as a second language (minimum 5h30 weekly). Your child is also learning English as a living language (2h20 weekly)
  • British section: French is the main language of instruction and English is taught as a second language (minimum 5h30 weekly). Your child is also learning Chinese as a living language (2h20 weekly)

These sections continue in high school and high school and lead to the OIB, international option of the baccalaureate, prestigious examination recognized worldwide and sesame for the pursuit of higher education in France and abroad.

Learn more about our language learning opportunities

Contact : Element School Headmaster

Link : Eduscol



Primary school

Vanessa PETON, directrice de l’école primaire
Catherine HUANG, secrétariat de l’école primaire
Email : secretariatc[at]
Tel : +86 (10) 8474 7013






School Calendar



French Excellence and a Global Mindset


French excellence and a global mindset are at the heart of our DNA. From kindergarten to terminale, we welcome more than 900 students from 50 different countries. We educate them with the aim of obtaining the French brevet and the baccalauréat diplomas. Our educational program is accredited by the French Ministry of National Education and our institution belongs to the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), a network of nearly 500 schools in more than 130 countries.
